The following is a comprehensive list from the lovely ladies S, H and T, and from the males A, E and K.
For boys::
1. If you want to make out with her, tell her. Don't pull any of that "lets get to know each other in the bedroom with the lights off" crap. DON'T BE A SKEEZ. I'm serious about this one: chances are if you want her, she probably does too. Which leads me to number 2...
2. Be upfront about what you want.
3. Don't lie and say you like her!
4. If you want her number, ask for it! She doesn't care if you only met fifteen minutes ago! A connection is a connection!
5. Don't make her feel like a slut.
6. Be funny. And I mean always, but especially with hookups, and extra especially if you twos just met. It's gonna be awkward, so don't take it too seriously and just crack a joke!
7. Follow the bases. Can a baseball player get to home without passing first? No. You shouldn't be able to get inside her vajayjay until you've frenched.
8. Be a gentleman, always. Just because it's a hookup doesn't mean it has to be sloppy. Have the decency to give her a kiss or hug goodbye.
For girls::
1. Just cause you wanna get sexy with that cute guitar player from that band doesn't make you a slut.
2. Make the signs blatantly obvious that you want him.
3. Touch his junk without him having to ask you to.
4. Take the initiative. If you want him to do something, tell him. Better yet, show him.
5. Cuddle afterwards.
*Hook-up: anything physical that occurs when the two participating parties are not in a relationship. Not strictly limited to sex.
yours in makeouts and confusion,