Guy I hooked up with a month ago ("you don't make out with someone you hate") hooks up with other chick, she goes to Japan, now she has a boyfriend, but he still wants to hook up with her.
I've given up on trying to decipher modern relationships. I doubt I will ever really learn anything on the field of romance in my lifetime. But in the meanwhiles...
Guy (#3). There is a spark. I fidget when I talk to him. My stomach hurts just thinking about him. We trade stupid insults. But (and it's a big one) he has a girlfriend.
-Pause for dramatic effect. Long sighhhhhh-
Fuckshittitsfuckandfuck. Why is he flirting with me if he has a girlfriend? And it's not like he's an idiot, a douche, a prick, a mofo. He's a great guy.
So what is this nonsense?
aw buddy ;( guys are dumb. and when you find the one who treats you like you should be treated, without the tricks and the crap, you will know. and it will still be frustrating as hell. ah, life. Well, I love you, always ;)