The author would like to apologize in advance for her use of italics, caps lock, and punctuation that lends this blog entry to sound like an article from Seventeen Magazine.
A million thoughts, seemingly all punctuated by exclamation points, race through your head-
WHY hasn't he texted me back!
WHY THE EFF did I send that text!!
and the big kahuna-
After a minute that feels like an hour you begin to calm yourself down. Maybe he went out to walk his dog. Maybe he's working really hard on a history project. Maybe he got in a car accident. OMFG WHAT IF HE GOT IN A CAR ACCIDENT??
Granted, not everyone passes through the 9 stages of text grief (some have been known to make the car accident assumption straightaway). But for those who do, there is hope: you are not crazy! You are merely a teenage girl (or boy, no judgement) struggling with the limitless opportunities technology presents for communication.
Remember AIM? Remember logging on at exactly 5 o'clock so you could chat with your ~crush~? Love was so much easier then. Nowadays we've got to grapple with texting etiquette that has a whole new set of rules. And I have no idea what they are! If I did, I would not be writing this blog post. I would be enjoying some quality texting. Which brings me to my next topic~
GAMES PEOPLE PLAY (yes, I do know this is the title of a Sex and the City episode, NO JUDGEMENT, GOD.) In a relationship (or a "thing", or a friendship, or whatever), is it necessary to play games? Or do the complexities of getting to know another person cause problem enough that playing games only makes things more difficult? Right now, I'm going with the latter. Schedules rarely align, so why make it seem like you're more busy than you actually are? To seem more desirable? That's just stupid.
In the same vein of thought, I think that if you want to text someone you should do it. Shut off the nagging little voice in your head that worries about the text they never responded to and go for it. Give 'em hell, kid.
lull, I've done thisss :P