I have a problem that I think needs addressing, and it concerns sex.
Specifically, sex as a qualifier for any relationship that has lasted for a certain amount of time.
People my age seem to believe that two people who date for a certain (extensive) amount of time NEED to have sex. They feel very strongly about this (as is seen by my use of caps lock and the word "need" and not something floatier like the word "should"). And it bothers me, okay?
Just because two people have been dating for over a year doesn't mean they need to have sex. Yes, I understand you are only in high school and since you're a mildly privileged white suburbanite you feel as though you have little to talk about and so when two people have sex it gives you a little something extra to talk about. Yes, I understand that gossip is like crack to (most) teenage girls. Yes, I am a little angry right now and it's causing my tone to be slightly snippy (get-off-my-back-okay),
But, honestly? (Let me break this down for you.) Sex is not the end-all be-all of a relationship. Sex doesn't have to be some culminating exercise, like a final exam (albeit, I've heard it's more enjoyable.) Losing your virginity isn't some make-it-or-break it deal, like the media makes it out to be, either. Essentially, what two people do together is none of your business! As long as they're happy and communicating, you shouldn't care about what they do. Additionally, sex is not everything in a relationship! People can have a perfectly happy and healthy relationship and still not be ready to have sex.
So, (concluding note.) Please, please please PLEASE do not go along with the crowd, or maybe just that one loud and overly opinionated girl, and agree that two people should have sex if they've been dating for a long time. PLEASE formulate your own opinion on the matter. Mine is that two people should have sex when they're ready. And have a fuckin' awesome time doing it.